Major Writing Assignment: Two Types of Arguments
Find an example of a "Position Argument" and a "Proposal Argument" somewhere in the mainstream print media - newspapers (including online newspapers), magazines and the like. The arguments should be written by people who make at least some of their living from writing. Include the following for both:
• Thesis
• Key features, such evidence used or competing positions that are acknowledged
• How does the argument begin?
•How does the argument conclude?
Write your answer in narrative form, devoting one paragraph for each section. The entire assignment should be AT LEAST one full page long.
Project Assignments
1. From the claims you came up with last week, select the claim and corresponding evidence that you believe is your strongest and/or most unique and share it with your team and side you are assigned. Feel free to share a second claim and evidence if you wish to share it as well.
1. Discuss the claims and their supporting evidence. Select the claim that you feel is the strongest or most unique.
2. Select the strongest claim and its supporting evidence
3. Rank the claims from the strongest to the weakest
Turn in your ranking of the claims, along with a brief summary of relevant evidence for the strongest claim. This assignment should be at least 1/2 page long.
2. You will discuss evidence with your side of the team and provide additional evidence to make the claim for your side stronger. You will also respond to your side of the team and discuss the evidence they gave. Remember you are still supporting your assigned side of the topic.
Your goal as a team is to try to make the strongest case possible for your side. You are encouraged to participate in the discussion as much as possible. Enter into team discussion. Develop a strategy to debate the other side of the issue.
Deliverables and format:
Summarize the strategy that will be used. This assignment should be at least 1/2 page long